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Recenter on France ( 1195 ) 46.307594 2.397597
-21.142797 55.542364
3.765897 -53.045306
-21.508465 165.796793
16.095356 -61.416326
14.632593 -60.998718
-12.835861 45.157109
17.895349 -62.828881
18.073901 -63.057099
-13.699174 -177.270088
-13.285464 -144.567393
-47.437949 59.369845
10.283343 -109.216667

Case list

MAILLY-LE-CAMP (10) 27.10.1954 Classification : B Department : Aube Date of update : 24/11/2015
[C244] DE ANDRES (62) VERS GUINES (62) 21.10.1954 Classification : B Department : Pas-de-Calais Date of update : 24/11/2015
CREPY-EN-VALOIS (60) 06.10.1954 Classification : B Department : Oise Date of update : 11/07/2016
BACOUEL (60) 31.09.2000 Classification : B Department : Oise Date of update : 22/03/2007